Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fat Elvis.........'thankyouverymuch'

Last month was the 30th anniversary of Elvis's death and it seems like it was not that long ago. I was in 7th grade in 1977 and didn't seem to care much about it. ( I was more interested in Son-of-Sam and who he was going to murder next.....and or when the police would finally catch him.)

I have never been a big fan of Elvis and his music but the dude must have been a blast to hang with. The women, the booze, the drugs, the peanut-butter and bacon sandwiches, and the Kung-Fu moves he would like to pull on people followed by a hilarious comment on how you would fall victim to 'The King'. If I knew him he would have kept me laughing for days.

He changed Rock-N-Roll forever. The number one American Icon of music. Just like Marlon Brando changed American acting forever and Jackson Pollock changed abstract art (two of my favorites) they all got FAT.
Hey, it happens to almost everyone. I'm even starting to get a little fat....but who cares. Pork chops taste good. Bacon tastes good. And ice cream............I'm addicted.

This painting is ten years old. I painted him when I was living in Santa Monica, California on his 20th anniversary of his death for a Gallery show. He didn't sell. Most people were turned off that I painted the older, fat Elvis instead of the younger, sexier Elvis. I've had two offers since then from private buyers but I turned them both down. I have grown to love 'Fat Elvis' and I'm glad that he moved with me back to NY but he's back up for sale.

After all................... a guy's gotta eat.

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