Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today is election day, November 8th 2011 and I'm not gonna vote.  Why?, you say.  Your vote counts!  I say...FUCK THAT!
I never vote.  Well, not never.  When I turned 18 years old I voted for the first time.  It was 1981 and my mother dragged my skinny white ass down to the polls to vote for Walter Mondale for the President of the United States.  He was running against Republican (and former actor Ronald Reagan.)  Well my mother and I (along with a few other 
people) seemed to be the only ones to vote for him.  Reagan won by a landslide!  I stopped voting.  12 or so years later my housemate and fellow actor asked me who I was going to vote for Mayor of New York City.  I told him I don't vote.  What's the point?  My one vote won't change an election.  After hearing him go on and on and on, I registered and voted for David Dinkins because he was running against Rudy Giuliani, a republican, and a fellow Italian who, b
efore he became Mayor (again, by a landslide) he prosecuted a number of high profile cases, including ones against organized crime putting away some of my peeps and 
relatives.  That was the last time I voted and it will remain the last time I will ever vote.  The whole system is corrupt.  TOTALLY CORRUPT!  Wait........There is someone that I would vote for if he was still alive.  William Poole...............................................................................a.k.a.   Bill the Butcher

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