Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Are you scared yet...

You're gonna' be!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The 7 year painting

On January 2nd in the year 2000 I put a blank canvas on my easel in my art studio in upstate New York and sat there for close to an hour thinking of what my first painting of the new millennium will be. Months earlier I had done a colored pen and ink drawing of a carousel horse that was morphing into a radiation meltdown of what is a real horse and what is man-made. The horse looking back the whole time seeing what is happening to him. I spent the whole month working on this painting with everything done except for the detail work. I put the painting away and there it sat in my studio, unfinished in my eyes. Everyone who came to look at my paintings would rave about it. But it needed to be finished. Last month I pulled it out, dusted it off and spent the next few days giving it it's final touches.
When it came time to sign it I went back seven years in time to put the correct date...I didn't feel any younger painting that 2 followed by three 0's but it sure was fun.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tomato Tower

The tomato season is almost over here in the Hudson Valley. Because of the Indian Summer, it will last a few more weeks. The crop wasn't as good as years before but they were delicious all the same. Red, juicy and bursting with flavor. Anyone who stills buys supermarket know, the kind they give you on deli sandwiches......well....I feel sad for you. You don't know what you're missing!

Start with a nice size tomato and slice through it 4 or 5 times into thick 1/2 inch wheels, slice some FRESH mozzarella the same, add some fresh basil leaves (I pull mine right off the plant).
Now build a tower starting with the bottom slice of tomato (the largest), a slice of mozzarella, basil, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, some sea salt and cracked pepper, continue until tower is complete. Garnish with mixed olives and Sriracha chili sauce dimes.

Oh yeah,...........Remember to make it with love for someone you love.